Antipodes Living Nature

Thompson's Valerian 2000 One-A-Day

Thompson's Valerian 2000 One A Day helps promote relaxation and a sound sleep Valeriana officinalis extract equivalent to dry root 2g


RRP : $28.90

@ 30 Caps

Thompson's Valerian 2000 One-A-Day helps promote relaxation and a sound sleep. This sedative herb has calming, relaxing and anti-spasmodic properties. Valerian is classified as a mild, sedative herbal medicine. It can reduce the time it takes to fall asleep at night and may also relieve stress and anxiety during the day.

Legend has it that the Pied Piper put Valerian in his pockets to attract the rats out of Hamelin!

Valerian is most often recommended for promotion of a restful sleep. It can help to relax the body, ease muscle twitching and spasms and alleviate nervousness, all of which may contribute to disturbed sleep patterns.

Helps with:
• Relief of sleeplessness, disturbed sleep patterns and insomnia
• Valerian has been shown to reduce the time it takes to fall asleep, improves the quality of sleep and reduces the incidence of night time wakening.
• Helps relieve nervous tension, stress and mild anxiety
• Relief of muscular cramps and spasms


One capsule daily with food or as professionally prescribed

Each tablet contains:

Concentrated herbal extract equivalent to dry
Valerian (Valeriana officinalis) root 2g (2000mg)
Standardised to contain Valerenic acid 1.5mg

For some, it works within an hour of the first dose, however research suggests that it works best after 1-2 weeks of regular use. From the available evidence, next-day drowsiness is uncommon and physical addiction highly unlikely. According to one case report, a dose of Valerian taken at approximately 20 times the recommended therapeutic dose appears to be benign (Willey et al 1995). There is no evidence of next-day sleepiness or significant adverse effects. Theoretically, valerian might have an additive sedative effect with alcohol and other central nervous system depressants such as benzodiazepines. Consult with a health care practitioner before using together. Not to be taken in pregnancy unless prescribed by a health practitioner.

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