Antipodes Living Nature

VerMints Organic Cinnamon

Organic crystalized cane juice organic tapioca syrup natural cinnamon oil organic mint leaves organic Vermont maple syrup agar gum tragacanth Vermont Pure Spring water


RRP : $42.90

@ 6 x 40g Tin Pack

Transform bland days with a healthy dose of BAM! courtesy of VerMints Organic Cinnamon mints. They’re equal parts sweet and spicy, and hands down the zestiest way to add pep to your day.

Pure taste with no artificial flavoring or colouring, No chalky aftertaste, No high fructose corn syrup, No artificial sweeteners, Only 1 carbohydrate per serving, Totally Nut-Free, Absolutely no animal products (Vegans take note), Gluten-Free, Unique lozenge shape, Artful tins.

Organic Crystallized Cane Sugar, Organic Tapioca Syrup, Organic Maple Syrup, Natural Flavoring, Organic Ground Peppermint Leaves, Agar, Gum Tragacanth

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Customer Rating
  • Fri, Dec 8th 2017, 22:26
    Rating: 5 out of 5
    These are yum, nicely sized portions, and good as both breathmints and as little treats.
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